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Displaying 31 - 40 of 81 results for "supplement"

Turmeric: From the Kitchen to Cancer and COVID-19

Turmeric: From the Kitchen to Cancer and COVID-19

Turmeric is a popular spice that has been used for centuries as an herbal medicine due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Despite its popularity, turmeric is actually poorly absorbed by the human body. Although some have advocated for its use as a treatment for COVID-19, data to support the use of turmeric for COVID-19 are lacking.

What is Omeprazole?

What is Omeprazole?

Omeprazole is a medication that decreases the amount of acid the stomach produces. Known as a “proton pump inhibitor”, omeprazole is used to treat acid reflux and gastrointestinal ulcers. Omeprazole is available over-the-counter and as a prescription medication, but should be used with caution due to its interactions with other medications and dietary supplements. 

Poison Prevention for Infants

Poison Prevention for Infants

Check here for tips and articles on poison prevention for infants: (1) Store medicines and products in their original containers. (2) Lock medicines and household products where children cannot see or reach them. (3) Use child-resistant packaging. Replace the caps tightly. (4) Store household products in a different place from food and medicine. (5) Keep purses and briefcases out of children's reach. (6) Read the label before taking or giving medicine. 

CBD Products: Are They Safe?

CBD Products: Are They Safe?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most studied compounds of the cannabis plant. CBD drew attention when it was shown to stop seizures in a group of patients with a form of epilepsy that does not respond to conventional therapies. Potential benefits of CBD might include anti-inflammatory, immune system, and anti-anxiety effects. A great deal more scientific investigation is needed.

Poison Prevention for Toddler

Poison Prevention for Toddler

Check here for tips and articles on poison prevention in toddlers and preschoolers. Install a carbon monoxide alarm. Use child-resistant packaging. Be mindful of these especially hazardous household products: button batteries, antifreeze, windshield washer solution, drain cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, insecticides, gasoline and oils.

Is the “internal shower” drink from TikTok safe?

Is the “internal shower” drink from TikTok safe?

The “internal shower” drink popularized by TikTok contains chia seeds, lemon juice, and water, and is reported to help bowel function. Although the nutritional benefits of chia are well-recognized, adverse health effects may occur after chia seed consumption.

Valerian Benefits and Risks

Valerian Benefits and Risks

Valerian is an herbal dietary supplement sold over-the-counter (OTC) for its sedative and calming effects. It is generally considered safe and well-tolerated; however, scientific evidence showing its effectiveness is inconclusive.

Hawthorn as an Herbal Remedy

Hawthorn as an Herbal Remedy

Hawthorn has long been used in Chinese and Western medicine to treat various illnesses. The most studied use of hawthorn is for congestive heart failure (CHF). Its effectiveness for CHF and other conditions is limited, but so is its toxicity. However, it is always best to consult with your primary care provider and pharmacist before starting any herbal regimen to avoid any potential interactions with prescription or over-the-counter medications.

Dogs and Pain Medications

Dogs and Pain Medications

You can gauge the extent and location of your dog's pain by watching his behavior, mood, and response to being touched. Anything more than very mild pain requires examination by a veterinarian who can prescribe the most appropriate medication. Over-the-counter pain medications intended for humans should never be used in dogs without consulting a veterinarian.

Benefits and Side Effects of Indapamide

Benefits and Side Effects of Indapamide

Indapamide is a medication for high blood pressure that appears to be better than many other drugs at controlling high blood pressure while lowering the risk of heart failure. However, indapamide can sometimes cause patients to become dehydrated and lose potassium. Adverse effects can last for several days after the drug is taken.

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