A Podcast about Poison Control

The Bottom Line
Have you ever unintentionally taken your pet's medication instead of your own? Did the kids eat an entire bottle of gummy vitamins? The National Capital Poison Center is here to help! Get an inside look at what goes on inside Poison Control centers with Poison! the podcast.

The Full Story
Join us for our 6-episode podcast series, Poison!, to learn first-hand what Poison Control does, who we are, and how we can help you. In this series, we are exploring the opioid epidemic, which continues to loom large in the work we do each day. Hear from experts and learn what Poison Control is doing to address the epidemic.
And remember, for any suspected poisoning, get immediate help online with webPOISONCONTROL or by phone at 1-800-222-1222. Both options are free, confidential, and available 24/7. Both provide expert guidance for your particular situation.
Opioid Epidemic: Looking to the Future Part 2
Opioid Epidemic: Looking to the Future Part 1
Opioid Epidemic: Special Populations Part 2
Opioid Epidemic: Special Populations Part 1
Opioid Epidemic: Be Prepared, Save a Life
Bonus Episode: Meet Barb!
Introduction to the Opioid Epidemic:
Introduction to Poison Control:
Poison! Trailer:
Call 1-800-222-1222 or
Call 1-800-222-1222 or