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Displaying 291 - 300 of 363 results for "prescription medication label information"

What is a Borg?

What is a Borg?

A borg, or “black out rage gallon”, typically contains a fifth of vodka, water, and liquid flavor enhancer. Borg drinking is popular among some college students, but consumption of the high amounts of alcohol often found in borgs can cause harmful health effects, similar to those resulting from heavy alcohol use or binge drinking.

How Venomous are Cottonmouth Snakes?

How Venomous are Cottonmouth Snakes?

Cottonmouth snakes are a type of venomous pit viper found in the South East US. They are semiaquatic and are found near water, which is why they are also referred to as water moccasins. Cottonmouths prefer to leave you alone, but occasionally do bite. The most common symptoms of a cottonmouth bite are pain and swelling of the affected area, which may need treatment with antivenom.

Is herbal abortion safe?

Is herbal abortion safe?

When used for fertility regulation or abortion, herbal preparations may cause significant side effects. Liver damage, breathing difficulties, and death can occur after use of herbal products for contraception or pregnancy termination.

Is the One Chip Challenge dangerous?

Is the One Chip Challenge dangerous?

The Paqui One Chip Challenge is a social media challenge that involves consumption of a spicy tortilla chip. The chip contains capsaicin, a compound found naturally in chili peppers. Capsaicin consumption typically causes mouth and throat pain but can also result in more serious health problems including heart attack and esophageal damage.

Mothballs Can Be Poisonous

Mothballs Can Be Poisonous

Mothballs are pesticides used to protect stored clothing from fiber-eating moths. They can be poisonous to people and pets if swallowed or if large amounts of fumes are inhaled.

Side Effects of Ginseng Supplements

Side Effects of Ginseng Supplements

"Natural" does not always mean "safe." Like all medicines, herbal products and supplements are expected to have some side effects, and ginseng is no exception. Some side effects are related to the natural toxicity of the plants they come from or from problems in manufacturing.

Brake Fluid: A Sweet Poison

Brake Fluid: A Sweet Poison

Most brake fluids contain diethylene glycol (DEG). DEG has a sweet taste making it attractive to children and pets. DEG poisoning does not produce many initial symptoms, but it can cause substantial kidney damage if not treated promptly.

Skin Problems from Outdoor Plants

Skin Problems from Outdoor Plants

Mechanical injury, chemical irritation, allergic reactions, and light-sensitivity are all possible effects of exposure to certain plants – not just poison ivy.

Are Tarantulas Dangerous?

Are Tarantulas Dangerous?

Tarantulas are venomous, but the effects of the venom of tarantulas indigenous to North America are typically mild in humans and only cause pain at the bite site. Contact with tarantula hairs can cause redness, itching, and swelling. Avoid getting tarantula hairs in the eye. If you are bitten, wash the bite with soap and water, and then contact Poison Control, online or by phone.

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