Search Results

Displaying 221 - 230 of 363 results for "prescription medication label information"

Are Chemical Hair Straighteners Safe?

Are Chemical Hair Straighteners Safe?

Some hair-straightening products contain formaldehyde, a chemical that has been associated with short-term and long-term health problems. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently considering banning formaldehyde-based hair-straightening products because of safety concerns. 

Meet Our Staff

Meet Our Staff

Nicole Reid is the Managing Director of the National Capital Poison Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and accredited poison control center in Washington, DC. Nicole is a Registered Nurse, a Certified Specialist in Poison Information, and a Board Certified Clinical Toxicologist with 18 years of experience working in Poison Control. 

Herbal Medicines and Orthopedic Surgery

Herbal Medicines and Orthopedic Surgery

Some herbal medicines and dietary supplements can affect blood clotting. This can complicate surgery and recovery if patients and doctors don't discuss ALL the medicines a patient is taking.

Safety Tips For Button Batteries

Safety Tips For Button Batteries

While most button battery ingestions are benign, passing through the gut without a problem, in recent years the number of debilitating or fatal battery ingestions has dramatically increased. Many fatal and non fatal cases with severe esophageal or airway burns and subsequent complications have been reported, even in patients who initially have no symptoms after swallowing the battery. 

Safety and Benefits of Lutein

Safety and Benefits of Lutein

Lutein, a nutrient found mainly in leafy green vegetables, is thought to protect against light-induced retina damage. While some studies show positive results from lutein use, more research is needed to determine its definitive benefits and safety.

Poison Prevention for Infants

Poison Prevention for Infants

Check here for tips and articles on poison prevention for infants: (1) Store medicines and products in their original containers. (2) Lock medicines and household products where children cannot see or reach them. (3) Use child-resistant packaging. Replace the caps tightly. (4) Store household products in a different place from food and medicine. (5) Keep purses and briefcases out of children's reach. (6) Read the label before taking or giving medicine. 

Ancient Shipwreck, Modern Medicine

Ancient Shipwreck, Modern Medicine

If you haven't cleaned out your medicine cabinet for a while, you might find some old, old medicines hiding there. But they wouldn't be older than the medicines found at the bottom of the sea, near Italy. It's interesting to link ancient medicines with problems that still bother us today - and with modern treatments for the same problems from years past.

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