Search Results

Displaying 191 - 200 of 363 results for "prescription medication label information"

Use DEET Safely

Use DEET Safely

DEET is an insect repellant which helps prevent bites, and illnesses, from mosquitos and ticks. There are rare reports of health problems associated with the use of DEET, but most have been because of using the product incorrectly. The potential risks of West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, and other diseases caused by infected insects surpass the slight risks associated with DEET.

What is TPOXX?

What is TPOXX?

Tecovirimat (TPOXX®) is an antiviral drug used to treat smallpox and monkeypox infections. People with severe monkeypox disease, those with weakened immune systems, and young children may be candidates for treatment with TPOXX®. Since it is held in the Strategic National Stockpile, TPOXX® must be obtained from the CDC or local or state health departments.

National Poison Control Call Statistics, 2021

National Poison Control Call Statistics, 2021

In 2019, U.S. poison control centers provided telephone guidance for over 2.1 million human poison exposures. That's one poison exposure reported every 15 seconds. While poisoning affects ALL age groups, peak poisoning frequency occurs in one- and two-year-olds, with children younger than 6 years comprising nearly half of poison exposures (43%). Since 2008, poisoning fatalities have exceeded those from motor vehicle traffic.

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Young children are at greatest risk for unintentional poisonings - and that's why we've created Quills Up - Stay Away! Check out the engaging poison prevention and awareness program featuring Spike, the porcupine puppet, designed for preschool children. The program makes it easy and fun to teach this important topic. 

The Baby Drank Shampoo

The Baby Drank Shampoo

Shampoos contain ingredients ranging from detergents to conditioners to vitamins, botanicals, and even beer. Some are formulated to be mild enough for babies, some contain medically active ingredients. Shampoo is a minimally toxic product when used on the hair and scalp but can cause symptoms if swallowed or splashed in the eye. 

Identifying, Treating and Preventing
Swimmer's Itch

Identifying, Treating and Preventing Swimmer's Itch

Swimmer’s itch occurs when your body has an allergic reaction to parasite larvae found in swimming water. While the rash maybe uncomfortable and is often very itchy, it usually resolves with simple home treatment.

Mouse and Rat Poisons

Mouse and Rat Poisons

Pesticides to kill mice, rats, and other rodents can also harm humans (and pets). Anticoagulant rodenticides are often used. These can cause bleeding if they are eaten on a regular basis (for example, a child nibbling at a bait station).

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