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Displaying 121 - 130 of 145 results for "us pharmocopia"

Are Sunscreen Products Safe?

Are Sunscreen Products Safe?

Sunscreens are generally considered safe. The risk of an adverse effect varies depending on which active ingredients are in the product. Sunscreens can sometimes cause skin irritation, rash, and allergic contact dermatitis. Toxicity is low if accidentally swallowed, applied to the eyes, or inhaled. Sunscreen can be applied to children 6 months of age and older.

Does Dry Shampoo Contain Benzene?

Does Dry Shampoo Contain Benzene?

Dry shampoo products are designed to absorb excess hair oils, mask odors, and add volume to hair. Some dry shampoo products might contain the chemical benzene, most likely as a contaminant. Although benzene exposure is associated with dangerous health effects, there is no evidence that occasional dry shampoo use is harmful to humans.

How Venomous are Cottonmouth Snakes?

How Venomous are Cottonmouth Snakes?

Cottonmouth snakes are a type of venomous pit viper found in the South East US. They are semiaquatic and are found near water, which is why they are also referred to as water moccasins. Cottonmouths prefer to leave you alone, but occasionally do bite. The most common symptoms of a cottonmouth bite are pain and swelling of the affected area, which may need treatment with antivenom.

How Dangerous is Pepper Spray?

How Dangerous is Pepper Spray?

Lacrimators are chemicals that cause tear production and are typically used for personal protection and crowd control. These chemicals cause intense irritation to the eyes, skin, and lungs and can temporarily incapacitate an individual. The most common lacrimator is pepper spray. Its effects are generally mild and resolve fairly quickly. More severe effects require medical evaluation.

Fire Extinguisher Safety

Fire Extinguisher Safety

Proper use of fire extinguishers is generally safe; however, there is some risk for mild respiratory, skin, or eye irritation. Use in areas with poor air flow, use with intent to harm someone, or intentional inhalation of fire extinguishers can produce serious toxicity and would require medical evaluation.

Uses and Side Effects of Losartan

Uses and Side Effects of Losartan

Losartan (Cozaar) is a common medication used to lower blood pressure. It is typically well-tolerated and doesn’t interact with many drugs, foods, or supplements. Losartan may cause side effects, including fatigue, dizziness, and fainting. It is not safe to use during pregnancy, and can have dangerous effects if excessive amounts are consumed. 

Pyrantel: A Safe and Effective Pinworm Treatment

Pyrantel: A Safe and Effective Pinworm Treatment

Pyrantel is an important drug for the control of intestinal worms in people and animals. It is estimated that close to 1 billion people are infested with intestinal worms globally. Pyrantel is a safe, effective, and inexpensive treatment for intestinal worms, and usually cures the condition after a single dose. It has very few side effects and is not known to cause severe toxicity in humans.

Using Oven Cleaners Safely

Using Oven Cleaners Safely

The same qualities that make oven and grill cleaners desirable and effective–dissolving tough, baked-on food and grease–also make them poisonous. Oven and grill cleaners often have a high pH, making them alkaline corrosives. Upon contact, via any route, they can cause tissue damage, burns and, at the very least, irritation.

Borates, Borax, and Boric Acid: Are They Safe?

Borates, Borax, and Boric Acid: Are They Safe?

Borates are naturally occurring compounds with a wide variety of uses, including in cleaning products, insecticides, and solutions for skin and eyes. Borates can come in a variety of forms, most commonly boric acid and borax. Follow product instructions when using borates. If someone ingests a borate, seek immediate medical attention.

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