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Displaying 91 - 100 of 189 results for "poisonous plant"

Are Sprouted Potatoes Safe to Eat?

Are Sprouted Potatoes Safe to Eat?

You are better off tossing potatoes that have turned green or grown sprouts. Eating them puts you at risk for toxicity from solanine and chaconine, 2 natural toxins found in green or sprouted potatoes.

Poison Prevention by Substance

Poison Prevention by Substance

Are these substances bad for you? Are they poisons? Browse Poison Control's comprehensive library covering 512 potentially poisonous substances. Our experts answer your top questions, offer poisoning prevention tips, and walk you through the steps you should take if you suspect a potential toxic exposure.

Are Glow Sticks Dangerous?

Are Glow Sticks Dangerous?

A glow stick is a plastic tube containing two reactive chemicals, which combine when the tube is bent, resulting in a luminescent glow. Glow sticks are not poisonous. If swallowed, mouth irritation and an upset stomach may occur. The liquid can also cause skin and eye irritation. If the glow stick breaks and the liquid leaks into your mouth, eyes, or skin, rinse with water.

Pets and Medication Errors

Pets and Medication Errors

Medication errors can be dangerous for humans and for pets. An overdose of the pet's own medicine can be harmful, even fatal. Some human medicines are very dangerous for pets. Drug interactions can occur in pets, just as they can in humans. Be as careful about medicating pets as you are about medicating your children or yourself.

Are Chemical Hair Straighteners Safe?

Are Chemical Hair Straighteners Safe?

Some hair-straightening products contain formaldehyde, a chemical that has been associated with short-term and long-term health problems. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently considering banning formaldehyde-based hair-straightening products because of safety concerns. 

Are Copperhead Snakes Venomous?

Are Copperhead Snakes Venomous?

Copperheads are venomous snakes. Their bites can cause local pain, swelling, redness, bruising, and blistering, as well as systemic symptoms like low blood pressure and bleeding. In some cases, no symptoms are present. Serious effects are rare. If a bite occurs, stay calm, immobilize the bite area, and seek help from experts.

Nitrate and Nitrite Poisoning

Nitrate and Nitrite Poisoning

Nitrates and nitrites are abundant in the environment and are found in medicines and products in the home. Overexposure to nitrates and nitrites can lead to a condition called methemoglobinemia in which the body is deprived of oxygen, causing a blue-gray discoloration of the skin.

Is the “internal shower” drink from TikTok safe?

Is the “internal shower” drink from TikTok safe?

The “internal shower” drink popularized by TikTok contains chia seeds, lemon juice, and water, and is reported to help bowel function. Although the nutritional benefits of chia are well-recognized, adverse health effects may occur after chia seed consumption.

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