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Displaying 1 - 10 of 81 results for "supplement"

Mixing Meds, Herbs and Supplements

Mixing Meds, Herbs and Supplements

There are nearly 1500 documented interactions between drugs, herbal medicines, and dietary supplements. These interactions can cause a wide variety of harmful effects. Taking an herb or supplement could change the way a prescription medicine works in the body, causing symptoms like an overdose. Or, it might cause the medicine not to work at all.

Side Effects of Ginseng Supplements

Side Effects of Ginseng Supplements

"Natural" does not always mean "safe." Like all medicines, herbal products and supplements are expected to have some side effects, and ginseng is no exception. Some side effects are related to the natural toxicity of the plants they come from or from problems in manufacturing.

Don't Give Herbal Supplements to Infants

Don't Give Herbal Supplements to Infants

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children be fed only with breast milk or formula until at least four to six months of age. Children have developed seizures and infections from herbal teas and remedies, lead poisoning and mercury poisoning from traditional remedies, and liver damage from dietary supplements.

Are Weight Loss Supplements Safe?

Are Weight Loss Supplements Safe?

Many weight loss supplements contain ingredients that are contaminated, ineffective, dangerous, or actually illegal. Some people become ill after taking these products. Some have interactions with medicines. It can be hard to get your money back. Worst of all, these products often don't help.

Dry Scooping Can Be Life-Threatening

Dry Scooping Can Be Life-Threatening

Pre-workout supplements can contain caffeine and other ingredients which can be poisonous when taken in large amounts. Dry scooping, or consumption of undiluted pre-workout powder, can be life-threatening.

What is N-acetylcysteine?

What is N-acetylcysteine?

N-acetylcysteine may have a role in detoxification, immune function, and cellular health, and is often used as a dietary supplement. More research is needed to better understand how N-acetylcysteine can affect human health.

Safety and Benefits of Lutein

Safety and Benefits of Lutein

Lutein, a nutrient found mainly in leafy green vegetables, is thought to protect against light-induced retina damage. While some studies show positive results from lutein use, more research is needed to determine its definitive benefits and safety.

5-HTP Safety Concerns

5-HTP Safety Concerns

5-HTP, which comes from tryptophan found in our diet, is the precursor of serotonin. It is available as a supplement and has appealed to researchers and the public for the treatment of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and a wide range of other conditions. To date, evidence of its effectiveness has been inconclusive and there are important safety concerns.

What You Need to Know about Glucosamine

What You Need to Know about Glucosamine

Glucosamine is a natural substance found in cartilage. In the US, it is sold as a dietary supplement and promoted to reduce osteoarthritis pain. It is generally safe and well-tolerated. However, strong scientific evidence showing that it actually works is lacking and dietary supplements are not regulated in the same vigorous manner as medications.

Methylsulfonylmethane: A Safe Treatment for Arthritis?

Methylsulfonylmethane: A Safe Treatment for Arthritis?

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a naturally occurring compound found in several food sources. In the US, it is also sold as a dietary supplement claiming to improve symptoms of osteoarthritis stiffness, swelling, and pain. If you are considering using MSM, always speak with your physician first and purchase products through trusted and reliable sources.

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