Press Release: Power of Automated Poison Control Services
Data Analysis Published in AJEM Shows Power of Automated Poison Control Services; A fully-automated online app, webPOISONCONTROL®, handled more than 156,000 poison exposures in 2020, according to an article just published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Co-author Kelly Johnson-Arbor MD of the National Capital Poison Center stated, “While that was only 7.3% as many human poison exposures as were reported to U.S. phone-based poison centers in 2020, use of the online tool reflects a growing trend of turning to the internet rather than the telephone for health information.” Online cases were skewed towards younger ages, with 53% occurring in children younger than 4 years compared to 37% of phone-based cases. They also included more nonpharmaceutical exposures (58.5% vs 43.5%). Most cases (69.8%) were advised it was safe to stay home, while 28.4% were referred to call Poison Control for further evaluation, and 1.7% referred directly to the Emergency Department. Ingestions were the most common exposure routes, although the app also handled skin, eye, inhalation, bite/sting and injection cases. Cosmetics and cleaning substances were the most frequently implicated substance categories and melatonin was the most frequently implicated generic substance. Double dose therapeutic errors accounted for 28% of pharmaceutical cases. Consistent with the public’s ability to sense the seriousness of a case, there were no deaths and only 17 cases with major outcomes reported in 2020. The webPOISONCONTROL dataset is likely to also prove useful in detecting product hazards and public health issues. Near real-time data visualizations enabled detection of COVID-19-related increases in cases involving hand sanitizers and cleaners. Johnson-Arbor added, “In this study, the webPOISONCONTROL tool provided a safe and quick alternative for those who are unable or unwilling to use the telephone to call a traditional poison center. In fact, the median time to get an answer in a poison emergency was just 2.7 minutes. Recommendations included what to do, what to watch for, and when to seek additional help. Follow-up was also automated, and app users were reminded to click back in to make sure their symptoms were expected.” Johnson-Arbor urges parents to “be prepared for the unexpected. Know how to reach Poison Control either through or 1-800-222-1222. Check out the tool now, before you need it!” ### The National Capital Poison Center (NCPC) is an independent, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to prevent poisonings, save lives, and limit injury from poisoning by providing free, expert guidance online or by phone, 24/7. Poison control services optimize poisoning outcomes and decrease health care costs. For more information, please contact Krista Osterthaler at or (202) 670-9388 |
Press Box
Data Analysis Published in AJEM Shows Power of Automated Poison Control Services
Poison Control Services Preserve Critical COVID-19 Healthcare Resources
webPOISONCONTROL® Provides Expert Help Online for Many More Poison Exposures
Digital Triage Tool webPOISONCONTROL® Launches Comprehensive Upgrade
Take Poison Prevention Seriously
Flameless Candles or Tea Lights
First Online App for Poison Emergencies
National Poison Prevention Week
Poisoned? Get Expert Help Online
Don’t guess what you should do. Get accurate answers prepared by poison control experts. This tool will guide you. It’s free. It’s confidential.
Support Us
Your donation to our 501(c)(3) organization enables us to help those who prefer to go online when faced with a poison emergency. Our webPOISONCONTROL online tool and app is a free, confidential, quick and easy way to get expert help. It has guided more than a million users faced with a poison emergency.
Learn the Poison Prevention Jingles
Learn the Poison Help jingle in English or Spanish. Use these jingles to teach the Poison Control number: 1-800-222-1222. Available for download.
Poison Statistics