Poisoning Statistics, 2023 Washington, DC Metro Area 2023
In 2023, the National Capital Poison Center provided consultations for 172,954 people. Approximately 21% (37,157) were calls about people exposed to a poison. An additional 127,992 (74%) were human exposures managed online through webPOISONCONTROL. Other consultations involved pet poisonings (1,004) and information requests (6,697). Some interesting facts include:
While children under 15 years old comprised approximately 18% of the U.S. population in 2023, they comprised 48% of human exposure calls to NCPC.
Most Common Poison Exposures for Children <6 Years of Age National Capital Poison Center, 2023
Most Common Poison Exposures for Adults ≥ 20 Years of Age National Capital Poison Center, 2023
Related LinksSummary of Poison Statistics, Washington DC metro area, 2020 Summary of Poison Statistics, Washington DC metro area, 2019 Summary of Poison Statistics, Washington DC metro area, 2018 Summary of Poison Statistics, Washington DC metro area, 2017 Summary of Poison Statistics, Washington DC metro area, 2016 Summary of Poison Statistics, Washington DC metro area, 2015 Summary of Poison Statistics, Washington, DC metro area, 2014 Summary of National Poison Statistics, Reports to U.S. Poison Control Centers |
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