Autumn Poison Prevention
Poison Prevention Tips
- Be prepared.
- Make sure you always have the Poison Control number (1-800-222-1222, US only) on hand by putting it in, on, or near your phone.
- Bookmark webPOISONCONTROL in your browser
- Store medicines and products in their original containers.
- Cold and flu season starts in the autumn, so stay alert when using new medications, making sure to always stay informed on potential interactions.
- Be sure not to use 2 or more products that contain the same drug. Watch especially for too much acetaminophen.
- Talk to your doctor before taking herbals and supplements. Make sure they don’t interfere with your medications.
- Never take medicine in the dark. Never take other people's prescriptions. Read the warnings and follow the directions on the label!
- Avoid wild mushrooms. Get your mushrooms from the market. Unless you are an expert, you can’t tell the poisonous ones from the safe ones. And the most toxic mushrooms, called "death caps" (the Amanita species) may be growing in your own yard. Just a few bites can cause fatal liver damage.
- Children are attracted to colorful berries but some are poisonous. Know the names of the plants that grow where your children play and know which are dangerous.
- Fall back! Change the batteries in your carbon monoxide alarms when you set your clocks back. Keep appliances, furnaces, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves in good repair.
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