Phantom Ball Invitation

We cordially invite you to our phantom ball gala to benefit webPOISONCONTROL – the online tool that guides you through a poison emergency.

Shall We Dance?

Our fund-raising project
Is one with a twist.
It's a Phantom Ball Gala
That's hard to resist!

No need for a sitter,
Wear comfy blue jeans.
Stay home and support us,
If you have the means.

This gala is special
No tux or new shoes.
And all that it costs is
Whatever you choose.

The money you send for
This Stay-at-Home-eBall,
Means life-saving answers
For the large and small.

RSVP: The favor of a 
contribution is requested!

Please donate online.
 holiday card 2018

If you prefer to donate by paper check, please make checks payable to National Capital Poison Center and mail to 3201 New Mexico Ave Suite 310, Washington, DC 20016. You can donate by echeck using the online donation form (choose "echeck" in the payment method section of the form). Thank you!


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