What is a Borg?

The Bottom Line
A borg, or “black out rage gallon”, typically contains a fifth of vodka, water, and liquid flavor enhancer. Borg drinking is popular among some college students, but consumption of the high amounts of alcohol often found in borgs can cause harmful health effects, similar to those resulting from heavy alcohol use or binge drinking.

What is a borg?
The term “borg” is an acronym for the phrase “black out rage gallon." In recent years, borg consumption has become popular among college students and other individuals who desire a customizable and possibly safer group drinking experience. Fans of borg drinking claim that borg use is associated with a decreased risk of drink spiking and spread of infectious diseases, since the borg is designed for single-person consumption and can be capped shut. In addition, some people believe that alcohol hangovers are less likely to occur in those who drink from a borg.
How do you make a borg?
There are multiple borg-making videos on social media platforms such as TikTok. In many of these videos, users first take a gallon-sized bottle of water and discard half of its contents before adding up to a fifth of vodka, squeezable water flavor enhancers, and electrolyte powder. Finally, borgs are typically labeled, using a permanent marker on the surface of the jug, with a memorable name such as “Borganic Chemistry”, “Borgan Donor”, and “Captain Borgan”.
How much alcohol is in a borg?
Any amount of alcohol can be added to a borg, but many instructional videos on social media show individuals adding up to a fifth of vodka or other alcohol to their borg. A fifth of alcohol contains 750 milliliters, or approximately 25.4 fluid ounces, of liquor. Since a standard drink contains 1.5 fluid ounces of alcohol, a borg that contains a fifth of alcohol will contain approximately 17 shots of alcohol.
What are the ingredients in beverage flavor enhancers?
Squeezable beverage flavor enhancers typically contain natural or artificial sweeteners and synthetic food dyes. Some flavor enhancers also contain B-vitamins or caffeine. A single “squeeze” dose of MiO Energy contains 60 milligrams of caffeine. Finally, some beverage enhancers can contain cannabis in addition to flavorings, so it’s important to read ingredient labels carefully when selecting a squeezable flavoring product.
What is a safe amount of caffeine?
In healthy adults, daily caffeine intake of 400 mg is typically not associated with harmful side effects. Due to individual differences in how the body breaks down caffeine, some people may be more sensitive than others to the effects of caffeine. Consumption of up to 300 mg of caffeine daily by healthy pregnant women is unlikely to result in fetal harm, but there is limited information on the safe dose of caffeine for children and adolescents.
Is a borg safer than traditional alcohol?
Some social media posts claim that borg consumption can reduce the risk of alcohol hangover, since a borg typically contains a half-gallon of water. While hydration may be effective in reducing the signs and symptoms of alcohol hangover, the consumption of large amounts of alcohol can still result in a hangover, even in people who are well-hydrated. In social media videos, borg ingredients are poured into gallon jugs without the use of measuring devices, so it can be difficult to know exactly how much alcohol is present in the borg jug. Borgs often contain large amounts of alcohol (up to 17 standard drinks or more) that can result in alcohol poisoning, even when consumed over a period of several hours. Similar to binge drinking and alcohol use disorder, frequent borg consumption may increase the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. In addition, borgs often contain multiple “squeezes” or servings of flavor enhancers that may contain potentially toxic levels of caffeine.
What is binge drinking?
Binge drinking is defined as the consumption of 4 or more drinks over 2 hours by women, or 5 or more drinks over 2 hours by men. Binge drinking is associated with gastrointestinal problems including alteration of the gut microbiome, and is also associated with chronic damage to the brain, heart, and lungs. To reduce the risk of adverse health effects that are associated with binge drinking, it is typically recommended that daily alcohol consumption should not exceed a single drink for women or two drinks for men.
What do you do if a borg makes you sick?
For unwanted or unexpected symptoms after drinking from a borg, get guidance from Poison Control immediately. Help from Poison Control is available at www.poison.org and by phone at 1-800-222-1222. Both options are free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day.
Kelly Johnson-Arbor, MD
Medical Toxicologist
For media inquiries, please contact Krista Osterthaler at osterthaler@poison.org.
Call 1-800-222-1222 or
Prevention Tips
- If you choose to consume alcohol, drink it in moderation (two drinks a day for men or one drink a day for women) to avoid harmful health effects.
- Read product labels carefully, including nutritional labels on food products, to understand ingredients and serving sizes.
- Avoid drinking alcohol while taking other medications that can cause sedation.
This Really Happened
After making a borg with a gallon-sized bottle of water, a fifth of vodka, and MiO water enhancer, a self-proclaimed “alcohol enthusiast” consumed the drink and noted that he was “completely shocked at how easy this stuff was to drink”. He had to use the restroom frequently due to the large volume of water he consumed, and he did have a hangover the following day but stated that it could have been worse.For More Information
Borgs are taking over college parties, and TikTok. What exactly are they? (NBC)
Spilling the Beans: How Much Caffeine is Too Much? (U.S. Food & Drug Administration)
Molina PE, Nelson S. Binge Drinking's Effects on the Body. Alcohol Res. 2018;39(1):99-109.
Call 1-800-222-1222 or
Prevention Tips
- If you choose to consume alcohol, drink it in moderation (two drinks a day for men or one drink a day for women) to avoid harmful health effects.
- Read product labels carefully, including nutritional labels on food products, to understand ingredients and serving sizes.
- Avoid drinking alcohol while taking other medications that can cause sedation.