Store Medicine Safely Tips for National Poison Prevention Week

The Bottom Line
Most parents and caregivers know the importance of keeping medicine up and away, out of sight and reach of young children. Even so, leaving medicine in work bags, purses, pill organizers, and on countertops is quite common. This means easy access for curious children, and can easily lead to unintentional poisonings. Keep kids safe with these safety tips.

The Full Story
Most parents and caregivers know the importance of keeping medicine up and away, out of sight and reach of young children. Even so, leaving medicine in work bags, purses, pill organizers, and countertops is quite common. This means easy access for curious children, and can easily lead to unintentional poisonings.
This National Poison Prevention Week, keep kids safe with these safety tips:
- Keep medicines in their original, child-resistant containers. If you must put medicines in other containers, such as pill organizers, check to see if they are child-resistant. Many are not and can be easily opened by children.
- Don't leave loose pills or medicine on a counter or table. To a young child, pills can look like candy, and it's important to keep them out of children's reach and sight.
- Keep medicines out of sight and reach of young children. Put all medicines (including those in purses, bags, pockets, or pill organizers) out of your child's sight and reach. If you bring medicines with you to a home with young children, ask for a place to put your medicines that is out of reach and sight of curious, young kids.
- Get help from Poison Control if you suspect a poisoning. Help is available online at or by phone at 1-800-2222. Save this information in your phone so you're always prepared. Download the app on the App Store or Google Play.
Make sure that babysitters, older children, grandparents, and frequent family visitors have this information too, in case there's an emergency when they are watching the kids.
Call 1-800-222-1222 or
For More Information
Short video for parents about keeping medicines "Up and Away":
Call 1-800-222-1222 or