Tips for a Happy and Safe Valentine's Day

The Bottom Line
Most of us are thinking about love, chocolates and flowers on Valentine's Day, not about poison. Let's also keep the day poison-free by following a few quick tips from Poison Control. Enjoy those treats!

The Full Story
- Roses and baby's breath aren't poisonous to eat, but might cause a rash so wash your hands after arranging them.
- Flower food isn't poisonous, but can cause stomach upset if swallowed.
- Chocolate can make pets vomit, have seizures, or worse.
- Questions? Call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 or use the webPOISONCONTROL® online tool for guidance (the online tool doesn't handle pet consults).
Rose Ann Gould Soloway, RN, BSN, MSEd, DABAT emerita
Clinical Toxicologist
Call 1-800-222-1222 or
This Really Happened
Case 1: Four children, ages 6-9, ate some of the flower food provided with a Valentine's Day floral arrangement. They all thought it was sugar. Their mom called the Poison Control. She was advised to give them all something to drink, which she did, and they were all fine.
Case 2: A 7-year-old boy thought stems cut from a Valentine's Day Calla Lily flower bouquet were celery and ate some. He immediately cried in pain due to the sharp oxalate crystals from the plant being released into his mouth. His mom gave him something to drink and called Poison Control. She was advised to give him a cool, creamy snack. In a follow-up call from Poison Control to the home, the child's dad reported that in less than 2 hours he was fine.
Case 3: The mom of a 4-year-old girl called Poison Control, concerned that the child had eaten Valentine's Day chocolate that contained per the label, "chocolate liquor." Poison Control reassured her that this does not mean the candy contains alcohol, only cocoa solids in liquid form, and that her little girl would be fine.
For More Information
Death by Chocolate (The Poison Post®)
Valentines Day: Heart Month (The Poison Post®)
Call 1-800-222-1222 or
This Really Happened
Case 1: Four children, ages 6-9, ate some of the flower food provided with a Valentine's Day floral arrangement. They all thought it was sugar. Their mom called the Poison Control. She was advised to give them all something to drink, which she did, and they were all fine.
Case 2: A 7-year-old boy thought stems cut from a Valentine's Day Calla Lily flower bouquet were celery and ate some. He immediately cried in pain due to the sharp oxalate crystals from the plant being released into his mouth. His mom gave him something to drink and called Poison Control. She was advised to give him a cool, creamy snack. In a follow-up call from Poison Control to the home, the child's dad reported that in less than 2 hours he was fine.
Case 3: The mom of a 4-year-old girl called Poison Control, concerned that the child had eaten Valentine's Day chocolate that contained per the label, "chocolate liquor." Poison Control reassured her that this does not mean the candy contains alcohol, only cocoa solids in liquid form, and that her little girl would be fine.