Is Aluminum Foil Safe to Swallow?
The Bottom Line
Aluminum foil is around 98.5% aluminum plus iron and silicon. Aluminum foil is non-toxic. Swallowing a small piece of aluminum foil is not harmful. Exposure to aluminum is usually not harmful, unless the person is exposed to a large amount. Aluminum can be irritating to the skin, eyes, and lungs. Long-term exposure can cause osteoporosis and can also affect the nervous system.
What is aluminum foil?
Aluminum foil is often used for packaging food and drugs. It is durable, resistant to chemicals, and acts as a barrier to light, moisture, odors, and bacteria. It is usually made up of around 98.5% aluminum, as well as iron and silicon. The iron and silicon make it puncture-resistant and give it more integrity.Is aluminum toxic?
Aluminum foil is non-toxic. Exposure to aluminum is usually not toxic, unless the person is exposed to a large amount. Aluminum can be irritating to the skin, eyes, and lungs. If you inhale aluminum fumes, you might experience coughing. It is one of the metals that can cause metal fume fever with flu-like symptoms such as headache, fever, aches, and cough. Long-term exposure to aluminum can cause osteoporosis and can also affect the nervous system. Swallowing a small piece of aluminum foil is not harmful. Larger pieces may block the throat, gut or lungs, causing choking or stomach upset.Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease: Is There a Link?
It is controversial as to whether there is a link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease. Some studies have found a link, while others have not. However, the consensus is that aluminum exposure is not associated with Alzheimer's disease.When to seek help
If you swallow a small piece of aluminum foil, you should be fine. However, if you are concerned, if symptoms develop, or if a large amount was swallowed, help from experts is available through the webPOISONCONTROL online tool and by phone at 1-800-222-1222. Poison Control’s expert guidance is always free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day. Wendy Klein-Schwartz, Pharm.D., MPHClinical Toxicologist
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Prevention Tips
- Store aluminum foil up, away, and out of reach of children.
- When unwrapping food with aluminum foil, throw the aluminum foil away.
- Limit size to the smallest size foil you need for wrapping.
- Teach children not to put aluminum foil in their mouth.
- Be careful not to cut yourself on the sharp edge of the container when tearing aluminum foil.
- Consider using parchment paper or plastic wrap as an alternative to aluminum foil.
This Really Happened
A mother gave her 6-year-old child a small piece of candy in a foil wrapper. He was playing around with his younger siblings and thought they would find it funny if he swallowed the wrapped candy. He then told his mom what he had done. The called Poison Control, and the Specialist who answered asked if he had any symptoms. The mother responded that he was fine. She was told not to worry since a small piece of foil is not considered to be harmful.
For More Information
ToxFAQsTM for Aluminum. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What Are the Causes and Risk Factors of Alzheimer's and Other Dementias?. Alzheimer’s Association.
Call 1-800-222-1222 or
Prevention Tips
- Store aluminum foil up, away, and out of reach of children.
- When unwrapping food with aluminum foil, throw the aluminum foil away.
- Limit size to the smallest size foil you need for wrapping.
- Teach children not to put aluminum foil in their mouth.
- Be careful not to cut yourself on the sharp edge of the container when tearing aluminum foil.
- Consider using parchment paper or plastic wrap as an alternative to aluminum foil.
This Really Happened
A mother gave her 6-year-old child a small piece of candy in a foil wrapper. He was playing around with his younger siblings and thought they would find it funny if he swallowed the wrapped candy. He then told his mom what he had done. The called Poison Control, and the Specialist who answered asked if he had any symptoms. The mother responded that he was fine. She was told not to worry since a small piece of foil is not considered to be harmful.